Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Who wants some tea and cookies?

So I made the teapot cookies as well as mini teacup cookies. I decided to make them all white just to keep it clean and uniform. 

I started with the white outline.
Then I filled in the cookies!
The only thing I really regretted doing was filling in the handle with white.  I should have left the handle area blank.

No turning back now!

I decided to just add a handle in pink and green on top of the white icing.  I figured it would still look cute.  It is also very important to keep the white icing clean.  Everything tends to show on white!
Pink Handle!
Green Handle!

 I really had a tough time deciding on what to put on the cookies.  I sometimes put a lot of pressure on myself to make it perfect.  After discussing with my mom, I felt a bit more confident and just went for it.  I decorated the tops and bottoms of the teapot before moving onto the middle.

The colors are light pink, bright pink and green.  The bright pink looks red in the pictures, but believe me it's pink.

After the teapots dried thoroughly, I decorated the rest of the cookie!  I also decorated the little mini teapot cookies as well.  Here are some photos of the finished cookies!
I made flower transfers to make it easy to add to the cookies.

The larger flower transfers I bought!

As stressed out as I was, I think the cookies turned out pretty cute.  I put them in bags, tied them up and placed my company sticker on the back.

When I have a picture of the final basket all together I will post it on the blog! 


  1. They were soooo freakin awesome! Everyone loved them and most people didn't want to eat them because they were sooooo pretty!!! Thank you again!

  2. The mini tea cups were genius! Wonderful job. The cookies looked stunning and really made each place serting beautiful. Thank you for all the hard work!!!
