Sunday, April 15, 2012


So a friend of mine asked me to make teapot cookies for a bridal shower she is throwing.  I am a bit nervous because I want them to be perfect, or pretty close to it.  I am very new to the cookie decorating world, and I really haven't mastered royal icing.  You really need the perfect consistency to make cookie decorating a lot easier.  I have already baked all of the cookies.  I made large teapots and small teacups.  The cookie dough I made was extremely sticky.  This recipe always seems to be a bit stickier than others I have used, but it tends to taste the best. I guess that's the trade off.  I am going to start decorating tomorrow.  I will make the royal icing in the morning and hit the ground running. The colors for the party are bright and light pink and bright green.  I was thinking of making all the teapots white and then outlining them in pink and green and adding flowers or stripes.  I am not really 100% sure of what I will do, but I know I am nervous.  I have never made cookies for someone else.  I have only played around with it and figured things out as I went along.  When you have a specific theme and colors, you really have to be able to match them.  Well, we shall see how it goes!  Wish me luck!

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