Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Adventures in cookie decorating!

Okay, so I have decided to start a blog about my cookie decorating.  I think the reason I wanted to do it was to motivate myself to keep practicing and to see my progress over time.  I have always wanted to make awesome royal icing cookies for every holiday, but I never seem to make it happen.  Well this Halloween I forced myself to do it! I made my very first royal icing cookies.  I have to be honest, I started out with just simple pumpkin cookies.  I didn't want to get too crazy on my first try.  Anyways, by the end I was covered in icing from head to toe, but the result was well worth it! Now I am thinking about all the cookie making I have in my future.  I've been looking at other people's blogs and suggestions and I think it's time for me to start my own.  Here is a pic of my first royal icing cookies!

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